[đź”” New] No-Code Rights Automation: unparalleled in DSR vendor market

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Your customer data and trust is the lifeblood of your business. Get privacy tech that supports data-driven growth.

Brands use Ketch to create privacy experiences that mobilize responsibly gathered data for deeper customer engagement and top line growth.
Our customers
IMAX respects people’s privacy choices everywhere
“We’re impressed with Ketch’s App Marketplace. Ketch connects people’s privacy choices to our CDP and data systems—a truly comprehensive consent and rights solution.”
Senior Vice President,
Legal and Business Affairs at IMAX
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ChallengeIMAX needed a scalable, automated solution for the fulfillment of privacy choices such as California opt-outs (for CCPA/CPRA) and data subject access rights (DSAR) requests.
SolutionIMAX uses Ketch consent and preference management for sustained compliance against current and future privacy regulations. Privacy choices such as opt-out consent are collected across multiple engagement channels, such as web and mobile. To enforce those choices across the IMAX data ecosystem, IMAX connects data systems via the Ketch App Marketplace.
ImpactIMAX has automated 80% of all DSAR fulfillment, freeing up resources for other initiatives. With the Ketch App Marketplace, IMAX eliminates the need to build costly API integrations in-house.


For communications and media companies one thing matters above all else: from 5G to OTT, ensuring privacy enhances the subscriber experience
In “The Person Behind the Data,” a survey of 5,000+ consumers across the US and UK, we asked people what data practices impact their purchase intent. Telecoms should prioritize collecting only an essential amount data, relative to a specific purpose.

With access to new data-enabled services possible through 5G, telecom companies must avoid the temptation of “blind data grabs” and instead be responsible stewards of customer data, which will drive longer term customer loyalty.
“The Person Behind the Data” found the second-largest driver of purchase intent to be retention policy: storing customer data for an appropriate amount of time, vs. indefinitely. Sunsetting and end-of-lifing organizational data with low-utility reduces organizational risk and builds customer trust.

Start with highly-sensitive data that provides low value beyond its initial purpose, like passport and driver’s license numbers that are  captured for new customer identity verification,
To comply with modern privacy regulations (like CCPA/CPRA in California), collecting consent preferences from your customers is only half of the consent and preference management equation. The second half is enforcing those preferences. Are you reflecting people’s privacy choices across your data systems and apps, ensuring their preferences are respected everywhere?

Smart companies will stop making hollow customer promises, and shift to creating collection and usage strategies that respect people’s choices everywhere.
of people in the US & UK highly value data privacy, compared to:
Highly value diversity and inclusion
Highly value sustainability
Get more consumer opinions on data privacy in our study with MAGNA Global Media Trials: The Person Behind the Data
Download Report

What do I use Ketch for?

New value-added and digital services are transforming how communications and media companies engage subscribers and audiences. Grow traditional and new revenue streams through responsibly-gathered data.
Create privacy notices that match your brand
Privacy needs to be a seamless part of the subscriber and audience experience, not a bolted-on afterthought. Ketch consent and preference management is completely customizable to your brand guidelines, so you can gather data responsibly while delivering on-brand experiences.
Maximize your understanding and utility of subscriber and audience data
Improve data utility and decrease compliance costs by using modern privacy tech instead of manual surveys. Ketch’s data discovery and classification automatically scans internal data systems and classifies your data, providing centralized visibility and control over decentralized data.
Create an automated, fast process for customer data access requests
Customers are increasingly aware of their data rights and willing to exercise them. Ketch’s data subject rights fulfillment completely automates data subject access requests (DSARs) so your team can focus on building relationships with customers, not managing cumbersome and manual workflows.

Get started with Ketch

Simplifying your privacy program has never been easier. Begin your journey to simplified privacy operations and granular data control across the enterprise.