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Practical guide to privacy

Get proactive guidance, insights and tools to optimize your program and achieve your goals.
The steps below will guide your journey.
Ready to evolve your privacy program? Our Customer Experience team follows a five step process to help you build value across the privacy lifecycle
First step.
Establish your north star vision
Whether you’re just beginning your privacy journey, or have been at it for a while, the best way to evolve the maturity of your privacy program is to define the value you want your program to deliver and the steps your organization needs to take to achieve its goals.

When you kick off a Ketch implementation, your Ketch Customer Experience manager looks at the big picture. How did you gain buy-in for a data privacy software purchase? Why are you excited about implementing Ketch? What expectations do you have for data privacy in your business, beyond complying with laws and regulations? 

A modern privacy program should deliver value beyond basic compliance. Reducing risk, collapsing operational costs and building deeper customer trust are key program goals. Don’t make the mistake of thinking too narrowly. A robust privacy program and data management practices are foundational for many company-wide initiatives tied to digital transformation, analytics and AI.
Second step.
Build your privacy dream team
Privacy is a team sport. For a program to reach its full potential, it needs ongoing commitment from stakeholders across Legal, Tech, Data, Security, Marketing and more.

The most successful Ketch customers are those who engage cross-functional colleagues during the implementation process. Some Ketch customers tell us that implementing Ketch has helped them improve interdepartmental relationships. Data privacy initiatives can truly deliver value and solve key challenges across departments.

Marketing teams benefit when they know the data they’re using is accurately consented and permissioned. Security teams benefit when they gain a real-time view of their organization’s data risk. Technology teams benefit from greater privacy program automation. When you connect the dots between privacy and stakeholders’ departmental goals, you’ll maximize participation and program value.
Action Items
Recruit your privacy dream team
Download the Guide
Third step.
Baseline your program
It’s true—you can’t manage what you don’t measure. One of the challenges companies face when it comes to maturing their privacy program is knowing where to start and what capabilities to prioritize. After hundreds of conversations with customers, partners and industry leaders, we’ve identified five key dimensions that directly link to a program's success: data, risk, customer trust, technology and operations.

We use this Privacy Maturity Assessment to baseline your current program maturity, understand current gaps and opportunity areas, and create a personalized future-state roadmap. Want a preview? Click below to see experience for yourself.
Step four.
Map priority use cases to relevant privacy tech
After you’ve taken the privacy maturity assessment, you should have a clear picture of your current challenges and opportunity areas. The next step is to connect use cases to relevant privacy tech.

Our Customer Experience team helps Ketch customers prioritize an implementation roadmap based on the program goals and current abilities. Drowning in DSRs and still using manual approaches like Excel, Google Sheets or legacy first-gen tools? Automating data subject rights fulfillment should move to the top of your list.  Can’t quite get your head around your organization’s data footprint and where data risk exists? Leveraging our modern, scalable approach to data mapping and discovery will help you identify, prioritize and proactively mitigate your risk footprint.

Ketch has developed a best practice approach to prioritizing capabilities based on our experience working with customers, industry leaders and partners.
Action Items
Map priority use cases to privacy tech
Download the Guide
Step five.
Map privacy tech to business value
A successful privacy program will help you mitigate risk, collapse operational costs, and build trust with customers and grow with data. Explore the value calculators below to get a better understanding of business value generated through Ketch.
A. DSR fulfillment
Estimate your annual cost savings leveraging Ketch automated data subject rights (DSR) fulfillment vs. manual approaches.
Annual DSR volume:  
Estimated annual cost savings with Ketch:  
B. Consent orchestration
Estimate your cost savings leveraging Ketch automated consent orchestration vs. building APIs manually in-house.
Number of 3rd-party systems containing PII:  
Estimated cost savings with Ketch:  
C. Trust benefit
Estimate your revenue growth leveraging Ketch to operationalize responsible data practices to increase consumer trust, brand perception, and purchase intent.
Annual revenue:  
Estimated revenue increase with Ketch:  
Total savings

Ready to see the Ketch platform in action?

Simplifying your privacy program has never been easier. Begin your journey to simplified privacy operations and granular data control across the enterprise.