[đź”” New] No-Code Rights Automation: unparalleled in DSR vendor market

Retail & consumer goods

Your customer data is the lifeblood of your business. Get privacy tech that supports the brand experience.

Retailers use Ketch to create privacy experiences that mobilize responsibly gathered data for deeper customer engagement and top line growth.
Our customers
Building customized consent experiences at Prestige Consumer Healthcare
Ketch's modern tag architecture and orchestration have improved website traffic by 46% from PCH’s previous cookie banner solution.
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ChallengePrestige Consumer Healthcare (PCH) is the largest independent provider of over-the-counter products in North America.

They had deployed a generic cookie banner solution that wasn't customizing privacy notices according to jurisdiction, a major dip in site traffic; at its worst point, a 56% decrease.
SolutionWith Ketch consent and preference management, PCH centralized policy creation and privacy notice customization. To address the site traffic issue, Ketch replaced the generic cookie banner solution with Ketch Smart Tag: a lightweight, modular solution that enables faster on page privacy experiences.
ImpactKetch's modern tag architecture and orchestration have improved site traffic by 46% from their previous cookie banner solution.


For retail and consumer goods brands there’s one thing matters above all else: seamlessly integrating privacy into the buyer journey.
In “The Person Behind the Data,” a survey of 5,000+ consumers across the US and UK, we asked people what data practices impact their purchase intent. When it comes to retailers, consumers are most concerned about data sharing practices. When people buy from your business, are you transparent about what happens to their data? Giving customers visibility and control will increase purchase intent with your brand.
Second only to data sharing practices, consumers claimed data minimization practices as the second-most concerning data practice among retailers. Data minimization means asking only for as much data as is needed. Consumers are leery of retailers who ask for large amounts of data, especially before establishing a relationship.

Delivering contextual consent experiences—asking for specific data in the context of the buyer journey, gradually—is a great way to humanize your customer relationships.
To comply with modern privacy regulations (like CCPA/CPRA in California), collecting consent preferences from your customers is only half of the consent and preference management equation. The second half is enforcing those preferences. Are you reflecting people’s privacy choices across your data systems and apps, ensuring their preferences are respected everywhere?

Smart, privacy-centric brands will stop making hollow customer promises, and shift to creating collection and usage strategies that respect people’s choices everywhere.
of people in the US & UK highly value data privacy, compared to:
Highly value diversity and inclusion
Highly value sustainability
Get more consumer opinions on data privacy in our study with MAGNA Global Media Trials: The Person Behind the Data
Download Report

What do I use Ketch for?

Your customers want to learn about new products and receive personalized experiences. Create loyalty and trust by delivering on their expectations through responsibly gathered data.
Create an automated, fast process for customer data access requests
Customers are increasingly aware of their data rights and willing to exercise them. When they ask about their data, you need easy, fast access. Ketch data subject rights fulfillment can automate data subject requests (DSRs) from intake to fulfillment, freeing your team from manual processes and email tasks.
Maximize your understanding and utility of customer data
Data is critical to maximizing your customer experience. To do this, you need a comprehensive understanding of what you have and how you can use it. Ketch data discovery and classification automatically scans your data systems and classifies your data, providing centralized visibility and control.
Create privacy notices that match your brand
Privacy should be an inherent part of your customer journey, not a bolted-on afterthought. Ketch consent and preference management is completely customizable to your brand style and voice, so you can gather data responsibly without disrupting the customer experience.

Get started with Ketch

Simplifying your privacy program has never been easier. Begin your journey to simplified privacy operations and granular data control across the enterprise.