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SeatGeek: scalable GDPR compliance with Ketch

When SeatGeek increased their European customer base, it needed an improved GDPR compliance solution that would keep pace with its growing business.
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Last updated
May 27, 2024
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SeatGeek is the live entertainment platform that’s transforming ticketing by caring more about fans, teams and venues. They’re powering a new, open entertainment industry where fans have effortless access to experiences, and teams, venues and shows have seamless access to their audiences.

The Challenge

Ensuring GDPR compliance for a growing European customer base

As SeatGeek’s European business growth increased, so did the importance of ensuring GDPR compliance for European users. The company considered expanding upon its homegrown privacy solution, but that would require more time and energy from internal engineering resources. In short: it was time for SeatGeek to look outwards for a scalable, easy-to-manage privacy software vendor solution. 

With the majority of its enterprise customers in the United States, SeatGeek didn’t need to enforce GDPR everywhere. It needed a simple, segmented solution for European visitors with heightened expectations of transparency and data privacy. 

The Solution

An easy GDPR compliance solution from Ketch

SeatGeek selected Ketch with a promise of easy, hands-off deployment. The company’s small internal team was busy with competing priorities, and they needed a true partner in the set-up process. 

The Ketch Customer Experience team partnered with SeatGeek stakeholders to deploy consent & preference management (CMP). Ketch CMP enables centralized policy creation and privacy notice customization for any jurisdiction. Ketch’s proprietary policy language identifies repeating privacy primitives like purposes, legal bases, and rights, and translates them into templates. Over the course of just a few requirements gathering meetings with the SeatGeek team, Ketch used these templates to build and customize SeatGeek’s GDPR policy. 

Then, Ketch created the associated website consent banners for SeatGeek’s European website visitors. The Ketch platform encourages custom styling and language to match brand guidelines and voice. And with Ketch native identity infrastructure, SeatGeek will recognize visitors across devices and channels to deliver them the right consent experience according to jurisdiction. 

“We needed a fast, easy-to-deploy privacy solution and Ketch delivered on that promise. Onboarding was straightforward thanks to their qualified, hands-on customer experience team.”

Tim Janas, Senior Corporate Counsel, SeatGeek

The Result

Responsive, location-aware consent & preference management, ready for scale

SeatGeek achieved its goal of simple, straightforward GDPR compliance. And with Ketch’s responsive platform, their team is set up to scale for future regulations (like CPRA in California) without having to uproot or redesign the tech. SeatGeek has created a flexible foundation for privacy and data management as its business grows.

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4 min read
October 11, 2022
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